Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, Friday, Friday

My husband thinks this video has changed his life.
So he sings "Friday."  All. the. time.
This morning this is how he woke me up:

Andrew: "Ta-day is Fri-day..."
me:  "Noooo. It's not."  **groaning and rolling over to go back to sleep**

I would like to point out that whoever wrote this song clearly is a lyrical genius, because they took the same basic tune to Justin Beiber's "Baby", changed it up a little (still including the guest rapper) and made the tune LESS catchy, but it still went viral on youtube.  It must be lyrics like "front seat, back seat, which seat will I take?!"  that has the nation screaming for more of Rebecca Black's wonderful song.

While I'm being cynical about the state of current teen pop, I'd like to point out that "baby, baby, baby like woah!" aren't the most genius lyrics either.  

Now, to the point Andrew made about this song yesterday... Can you imagine what the majority of the world would think of this song?  She's got a pretty tough decision to make there -- front seat, back seat... that's rough.  I shouldn't think about this too long though, or I might get convicted about how I sometimes think my life is so hard when people are suffering everywhere... yeah.  I can be pretty selfish sometimes too.  I'm learning to actually pray consistently over the suffering of others.  This morning (even while I'm typing this) I have been convicted that I don't do this enough.  I pray once or twice for those affected by natural disasters or diseases.  Day-to-day though,  I tend to focus on prayer and discussions that revolve around me and my friends.  I pray for missionaries, but mostly just those that I know really well.  I say I have a heart for the whole world, but do I really?  May God work this in me. 

Anyway, I need to get ready to go car hunt.  I'll probably sit in the front seat, in case you're wondering.  We found a couple cars that we like. 
We we we... we so excited.
Happy Saturday.

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